Saturday 19 June 2010


One of the many changes which moving to America is going to bring is the opportunity to write again. I will have lots to say and less time to do it in. The blog is the way forward, I feel.

In around 6 months’ time I expect to make my home in the New World and I intend to have celebrated my wedding to Stacey within 12 .

This blog will provide a means by which I can share some of that experience with you all. For those of you who remember Münchener Freiheit this will be a return to more-or-less familiar territory. But this medium means that the variety of what I can share with you can be considerably broadened. Expect photographs, links, recipes and general garbage in addition to what I hope will eventually be fairly regular pieces on life as a Briton in the USA.

Obviously, I’m not there yet. My life in England, such as it is, continues. So welcome to the embryonic phase of Going Coastal, an English take on the Special Relationship, the American Dream, motherhood and apple pie. Until I leave I will be blogging on, well, anything I like really. It’s going to be largely American-flavoured, I guess. You are my trial readership for now; it’ll properly go live when I can dangle my toes in the Pacific. Obviously not with my laptop on my knee; that’d just be asking for trouble.

I encourage you all to comment on the articles, too.


1 comment:

  1. Come on, Richard! I fully expect you to master the laptop on a boogie board experience!

    Can't wait to have you on this side of the pond!



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